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that night. Sunday at breakfast we saw a truck pulled up and the people making their final stop. We rushed out, and to our joy found that they had brought my clothes - unmended, of course, and terribly musty. I found out from the landlord that he had requested them to move on complaints from neighbors. They had never returned his keys to him, he said, & had left the place a mess.

Well, this was not quite the end. On Monday evening who should appear but the Dog, barking away. I carried him in the car to his new home (which the landlord discovered by accident), & said that if he showed up again he would go to a shelter. So when he showed up again Tuesday I did just that; [[strikethrough]]telling[[/strikethrough]] the pick-up man said he'd inform the owners. So far we haven't seen Dog again.

Well, I have a new lot of Russian work to do and am having to get a helper for the Fisher work.

Last night we went to the French group and were terrible as usual but heard a lot of French. Tonight we have the Film Society movie, which happens to be German (good for us).
A nice addition to a protein diet is bouillon on retiring - we like it (the cubes).
Love, Doris