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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Ill.
October 28, 1959

Dear folks,

Well, today we finally heard from the insurance company of the man who struck our car outside Champaign over a month ago. We recently wrote the fellow asking him if he intended to do anything, and I guess he did! The bill is about $50 for the repair, so we are quite glad we do not have to shell it out ourselves. Jack will not attend to this repair himself since he now has no time.

We've been busy as usual. Last weekend, since two physics students had requested me to translate short papers, I did those two, making $20 for about one day's work. Now both want me to do more work in the future. One has a longish article already for me to do. These keep me quite busy. I am not able to do as much for Professor Fisker as I used to do, but did about 3 hours' work last night for him.

The main problem I have is keeping up in math, which is a hard course to which I am not paying sufficient attention.

Transcription Notes:
I believe there should be "of the nice students" or "the" should be cut out and just "two nice students" NO!!! Reopened to fix!! It is just "two physics students".