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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Ill.
October 21, 1959

Dear folks,

After some unpleasant weather we are settling down to a more normal autumn of warmer, drier days. I am snatching about five minutes between classes to write.

Since the beginning, almost, of the semester I have been informally (no cost) auditing the Russian Conversation class taught by Miss Olga Koshansky. She was my first teacher, who returned from another college this fall. She is just about the best teacher I [[strikethrough]] ever [[/strikethrough]] have ever had, and the hour always seems too short. After class today the one person in class who does not really prepare his lessons asked to talk to her; he was evidently furious that she expected him to learn his lesson everyday. We other students felt sorry for Miss K. I hope the other individual leaves the class!

Last night for the first time Jack and I attended the French Conversation coffee