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hour (1 1/2). There were heaps of people, the majority of whom spoke better French than we, but we enjoyed ourselves very much and will not miss a meeting hereafter. I got a Russian translation job from one fellow there, even!

I have finally taken out my two wool suits and decided to make use of them. The one I bought in England unfortunately had been attacked by a mouse in the front panel; fortunately, a local tailor has replaced that panel with same of the back fulness and otherwise brought that old suit into modern style, at very low cost. The gray suit skirt was 2 sizes too large, so she fixed that also. On my own part I am in spare time (?) lifting the hems on my skirts to the new fashionable length, only two done so far, also.

Sunday night we attended a German language movie, listening attentively! tonight is our regular Film Society show, tomorrow night my Russian Club presents a speaker (in Russian language) & so on. On the week end we rest & work, I guess!

