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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Illinois
October 14, 1959

Dear folks,

Greetings on our newest typewriter! It is a lovely recent Remington with a scientific keyboard, with which we can write such things as: β + α = H2O as well as the customary things. We sold the second typewriter at the same price we paid for it but still have not sold the first, or old typewriter. Now I trust I won't have any big Russian jobs for a while...

Jack has stayed home lately typing on what will be his thesis, when it has been published and revised. I will of course retype the thesis when it is finished, unless I am too busy making money more profitably, as may well be the case.

We haven't heard anything more about the French job, and neither has Peacock heard about his Swiss job, so we guess that there will be no great hurry. If we sail in late summer I don't suppose there will be much trouble getting passage.

The Russian movie last week was a color cartoon, good but our projector was inadequate both as to sound and size of picture. In the future the club will use a better one. We collected almost twenty dollars more than we needed to pay for the show, so will certainly show more movies. There is also about one Russian club meeting a week, with a series of speakers lecturing in Russian. I do not feel competent to listen but will probably go anyway. I am sitting in on just about every lesson of the conversation class and learning a lot from listening. Jack has found out that there is one French conversation meeting every other Tuesday night, which we will both go to, since French is said to be the main language of the upper social classes there. There are also German circles but we are too busy this semester. So many languages at once tend to get mixed up, though perhaps not so much as you might suppose.