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In Chicago we didn't do much, visited Shirley and Jim in their new house, saw another friend, and shopped a little.

This week end Fred and Inge Davis are coming down to see the Homecoming football game as they usually do. We put them up on the couch and a sleeping bag, cook several meals for them, and are entertained out for Sunday dinner. I will also have to get the winter clothing out. The summer clothes are for the most part cleaned and mended, fortunately. Since I like to remain in style, I have the problem of about ten hems (dresses, skirts) to raise to the prescribed knee length, a prospect I do not look forward to. Perhaps this could be done on a sewing machine, it would certainly go faster that way.

Friday night there is a Russian club meeting which I may or may not attend. 

We are glad to hear that Dad's new schedule is proving more restful, and hope that the work is moving at a rate more satisfactory to him. 

We still have to show the Doyle article to some people, so won't be able to send it back for a while. 

Not much else going on here, the weather remains cloudy or rainy and chilly. 

Oh yes, we did go to Kickapoo on the way to Chicago. We picked several asters and will send samples some time. They did not smell so strong this time, chiefly, we believe, because there was a strong wind blowing; where the air was quiet the smell was more intense. We also saw a fine large snake tentatively identified as a black racer although it was gray, and took a good close picture of it before it raced away.
