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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Ill.
September 30, 1959

Dear folks;

The necktie arrived today, thank you!

School is in full swing.  I am taking (1) a math course (analysis, it is called) with a pretty young German woman; it will not be easy but it is very interesting; (2) the second year of college German, in which we have begun with a play by Schnitzler and will read other modern German authors, taught by a very competent young man who gives us daily drill in idioms and has outside reading assigned, altho' we don't move so fast in class; (3) Russian literature, in which we are first skimming thru Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, later go on to Dostoevsky and more modern writers; and I am auditing (4) Conversational Russian.  As an auditor I merely listen.  The teacher is my old teacher of 2 years ago, from whom it is a positive pleasure to learn.

Last week I did a short ($24) article for a physics student - translation.  I have begun a steady job with the professor of Russian history, Dr. Ralph Fisker, here; I am this week learning it.  I have to choose