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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Ill.
August 26, 1959

Dear folks,

Well, we will be setting out Friday afternoon. We plan to spend the night in Chicago, drive from early Saturday until evening, arriving at the Allegheny Forest and camping there (if there is room) in Pa., and driving on the next day to visit our friends the Finks in Ithaca, N. Y. We'll stay there until Sept. 2. What we'll do next I'm not certain, but we may spend a day or two in New York City. We need a new car top and there are none in Chicago, so perhaps there'll be one in N. Y. There are several folks we might stay with. Anyway, will be on to Washington, arriving, I suppose on about Sept. 4.

I told the P.O. to start forwarding over mail to 3416 as of Saturday, and hope that you haven't got a too elaborate system for it when it arrives. I'm expecting a letter from the govt. translation, service saying whether or not we get the Russian book to do. I wrote that I and another person (a Russian we know) could do it together in