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There is a new family in a tiny detached house across from us, and they have a small yap-dog. Last night he tried to scare me at the front door and I charged him so effectively that he yapped nearly 10 minutes in sheer astonishment. Perhaps he will learn the extent of his territory.

Are both the Drakes working? When I think of us on one tiny salary paying $50 a month for two small rooms (and the rent is about as dirt cheap as any in town here) I don't see how they can be paying all they can. We pay our own electricity and gas ourselves, of course.

Thanks for the medical bill. I have told them twice my new address and wrote a small note to that effect on the slip when I sent it to them. 

Well, off to work again. Oh yes, we bought a copy of Pravda in Chicago and I have had fun reading it. It is a bigger newspaper than I'd thought, and is generally speaking as bland and dull as possible.
