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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Illinois
August 12, 1959

Dear folks,

This morning I went out and got a different typewriter, which I am now trying out. I didn't sell our old one but will sell it in the fall by ad; I'm not offered enough when trading in. This is another Underwood, a 1947 machine with several improving features, of course. For one thing, it has really workable tabs, a wider carriage (so I can put paper in sideways), better type faces, touch control, etc.

I guess the purchase was motivated by a series of new translating jobs from a fellow in the Physics Department, and also by the thought that I may be typing up Jack's thesis before too long and need better type face for it to look good.

I got an "A" in the math course and now dividing my time time between translating and mounting up our best slides in glass, nothing too hard.

This week end we will make our last trip to Chicago before the vacation.

Last week end we went to one party and spent a pleasant evening with the Cederstrands (before their trip to Washington). Their friends the Ainsworths will be in Washington perhaps the same time as we will; since he is a botanist you might like to meet them. Last night we had our friend Lloyd over. He is a railroad fan and recently acquired several boxes of railroad slides, so we showed them on the projector along with our more recent products.

Our friend Bill Rosenfeld has just accepted a job at Goucher College in Baltimore. Did you ever hear of it? It is a girl's school with what sounds like a distinguished staff, University of Chicago and Harvard type teachers, but it is quite small of course.