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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Ill.
July 29, 1959

Dear folks,

It seems like the hottest day of the year - the "discomfort index" is way up there although the temperature may not be. We will go swimming in a little while. 

We have at last got a newspaper started again. We were taking the Chicago Tribune because we got a offer of coupons on it. When these ran out we subscribed to a decent paper, the Post-Dispatch. This paper has a lot of Illinois news as well as other virtues, so we still keep informed on our area. For a long time some strikers (typographers or some such worker) kept the paper from appearing. Now we have "Pogo" again, for the first time since we stopped getting the campus newspaper 6 months ago.

Last week we went to the Rogers' for a slide show and they invited us to go camping and fishing with them this coming week