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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Illinois
July 22, 1959

Dear folks,

The weather here is hotter again, but not unbearably so. We had a tiny but of rain of Saturday (first rain since June 11, I think) and it has after been cloudy since, as it is today, but no more rain has fallen. Maybe we should wash the car. For one thing, our car roof is quite old and we don't know whether it leaks or not because it hasn't rained. We will get a new top anyway before we come East. Another thing I will do before our vacation is make terry cloth front seat covers for the car. You can buy them from Sears but they look easy to make also. You can use these seat covers in a car with leatherette seats since these seats become quite hot in the summer now.

We went swimming twice last week, and found some old friends there both times. We were invited to dinner on Wednesday