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This week the first set of movies wasn't so good, tho' last night's offering- was short American and a long French (without subtitles) were good, both comedies. We followed the plot, but should see more such to improve our French!

The pen I am writing with today is one I really recommend, and if you want some I can get some of them. It is a special Schaffer's cartridge pen with a transparent case which is being sold from under the counter to college students at 70ยข for the pen and 4 cartridges. Of course you can fill an old cartridge with ink from inkwell, the cartridge having the advantage over most cheap pen bulbs of not (in any of mine to date) leaking. I am going to buy a lot of these pens for the years to come; only loss removes them; [[strikethrough]] whereas [[/strikethrough]] and the ball-point pen fillers cost a lot. 

I thought I should add a few words, for a change. Women seem to be the world's better writers. Men write only when faced by necessity, under the influence of temporary aberration, or when urged by a woman. I'm not saying this is good- it just seems to be so.

You might be interested in some details of our trips to Chicago. First, the geography.