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We found a delightful spot to stop at on our last trip. It is on the banks of the Kanbahee River, in a shaded spot reached by a dirt road, about 100 yards from the highway.

This trip, we forgot our luggage! We bought some underwear in Evanston (which we needed anyhow) to allow that to be changed without requiring poor Doris to do laundry every day, and got along fine without it.

There was a birthday party Saturday. My mother baked a cake, and Jim and Shirley came for dinner. Earlier in the day, all of us (except Jim, who was working - one of the disadvantages of the newspaperman's life) went to see their new house, which is in Park Ridge, west of Evanston. It is an older place, maybe 30-40 years old, brick - one story, but roomy, with plenty of basement and attic. It looks very solidly built and well cared for. 

Doris has just put herself to sleep reading her forestry book. (She is translating Russian forestry for the government.) It is open to a section entitled "forest pathology". The study of forest paths, no doubt.
