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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Ill.
July 8, 1959

Dear folks,

We had a good Fourth. There was a brief parade about noon and we attended the fire works at night. After these, the Cedarstrands came over bringing their friends the Ainsworths. The couple is British, the man a botanist in Carl's lab.

As usual, our double bill of free movie was good. On Monday we saw a good film on probable events if the Russians attack (outdated of course), a Moody Bible Institute show on spiders (straight from God, i.e. no evolution, but not stated in so many words) which had good photography in color, a children's file on astronomy, and a tour of Alaska, also interesting. On Tuesday we saw a French farce on English mystery thriller, "Bizarre - Bizarre"! I think that Dad would like that one: the main character is a botanist who is secretly a mystery story writer. The character and situation are for more