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student with European trip slides over on Friday to show them. On Saturday night we will go to the Fourth display in the stadium. [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] Several thousand sit on the bleachers and hear a short speech, followed by a long and good fireworks show. It is run by the American Legion. At one point everybody lights a stick match (distributed) and the walls of the stadium glow. We'll take pictures of the events.

We went to movies on Monday and Tuesday as usual. Monday we saw a good documentary of Hitler's rise and fall, much from Nazi newsreels. On Tuesday, we saw an (old) Marx Brothers extravaganza, also very good. We are not, it seems, to be members of the Film Society this summer - the tickets were all sold out. We are allowed to come and take the unoccupied seats, however, which are usually up front where we like to sit anyway. After the movie [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] we go out for coffee with a large group of people [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] mostly physicists, some not.
Thus we are having quite [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] a pleasant summer. Jack was given a summer suit & set of pants by Angelo Rossi last year. Today we finally took them for alteration. The suit is very nice, [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] casual, light green.
Love, Doris