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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Ill.
June 10, 1959

Dear Folks,

Glad to hear the things are being taken away, and hope that Dad gets rested.

Enclosed are the first few pages of the bulletin the Russian bookstore in N.Y. sends me (you may return them). Thought Dad might be interested. 

Finally got the Russian translation off. It was only 23 pages, and would have been less except for their formalities (the editors want a certain format). Two dollars a page is just 4 times what you'd get for a thesis typing (with 2 carbons).

We are going up to Chicago tomorrow. Friday thru Sunday. I will do some shopping (a summer dress) and some material for a light summer [[strikethrough]] sp [[/strikethrough]] bedspread) on Friday, will probably take dips, see people, & return Monday morning. We must register for the summer session on Monday, start classes Tuesday.

I guess I described the fall of the fire