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at work, in order to be able to take rapid-sequence shots, and took many -- but unfortunately the developing tank played badly and many were ruined. The difficulty began when the tower began to topple in the wrong direction -- towards some power lines and the street instead of towards the vacant lot. The power company came in a hurry and cut their line: a new "dozer" arrived after a long delay, and the final pull was so sudden and so successful that many people did not get a picture of it all.

I don't believe I had heard that you worked in a reformatory, Mother. 

We finally saw Gigi but did not care for it much, although both you and Jack's mother liked it. For us it seemed like a poor imitation of My Fair Lady, not in plot of course but in song quality - the same composer wrote both. We think he succeeded marvelously well in My Fair Lady but was a poor echo of himself in Gigi. [[strikethrough]] If [[/strikethrough]] There's not much chance of you seeing or hearing the whole of the former, but if you ever do get the chance, it is one of the great musical comedies of our time. We have the record.

I'll give you a puzzle, Dad, with which we have had some fun. Please return it. 

Guess I had better get to typing that paper.
