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515 Bash Court
Champaigne, ILL.
May 20, 1959

Dear Folks,
Thanks for the biography, Dad. The picture came out surprisingly like you.
I'm as busy as ever, have to give up reading the paper these days, even. My physics final in a week from today and I have much studying to do. This week is full of events. Last week end Sat. and Sun. were in Chicago, Monday was at Argonne Nat'l Lab. on the way back (were Jack had to stop for work). Tuesday night after lab a banquet in which I was initiated into the national mathematician fraternity, Pi Mu Epsilon, tonight I will do the Educational Tester Service a favor by [[crossed out]] try a [[/crossed out]] being a guinea pig for a new test of theirs (promised weeks ago), Thursday after shopping and laundry the group has a picnic for which I must prepare a main dish...after that, I hope, I can study!
As for the Reunion, I got a $30 job from the Government translating outfit (on forestry) yesterday and must start it