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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Illinois
April 22, 1959

Dear folks,

It seems to me I spend all my time applying for jobs as a Russian translator. My job with the A.I.B.S. is temporarily (I hope) suspended, while they re-arrange the work and plan a training program for translators (send back edited manuscripts, etc.). Mr. Sturgis kindly referred me to two other places I might work, so I wrote to them and heard from both today. One is the Associated Technical Services in New Jersey, the other Research Servicing Associates, in Washington. I'm quite curious as to who are their major clients. They will send trial translations, etc.

The fact of the matter is that I won't get work easily until I have more technical background. A B.S. will help, and if we're around a university and not getting in industry's hair I can continue to get that background. I've almost enough courses for a Russian major too by now, but most places are somewhat scornful of "linguists".

We've had a little rain and some milder weather but spring isn't rushing along. Some tulips are out opposite. Magnolias around the university are so attractive, especially at night, that I think I'll go down and take a picture of them against the pines and moon tonight.

We've been having more social life. Friday night we had guests as I mentioned, the Swiss couple. Saturday night we went to the University movie, "The Three Faces of Eve" (25ยข) and met a couple of physicists afterwards and invited them over for coffee and ice cream. Tuesday night we went to our Film Society film, "Johnny