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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Illinois
April 8, 1959

Dear Folks,
Spring- everybody writes in about it - and it is still not really in town. Crocuses have come, and fancy this, but that is about all. We have heard several times from Barbara Sherman this spring. She is living in a Paris suburb with another girl in a house with a large garden. Since she is out of steady work, she spends much time cultivating it and writes of it a good deal. 
We went out to Kickapoo for the first time this year, Sunday. It was quite cloudy and rained a bit, just when we were cooking, lunch, clearing, afterwards. As yet not much to see, but many people were out there. We are going to buy a pup tent soon, to take [[strikethrough]] long [[/strikethrough]] weekend trips. A couple we know, the Rogers, like to do that and Ken Roger is going to advise us on a tent tonight. We are thinking of going to a state forest on the Mississippi, or 140 miles away. There are also several other places we have in mind. With sleeping bags, air mattress, & a tent, we should be secure against everything. When we went out to Tucker Run State Park (Indiana) last summer with the Rogers & DeWits,