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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Ill.
April 1, 1959

Dear Folks,
Sorry to hear that Dad was ill. Sounds more like an attack of intestinal flu than peanuts! There has been an epidemic here, 28% of high schoolers, but we as yet haven't got it. 
Right now the wind is howling and it is raining and blowing up cold. In Chicago it snowed the [[strikethrough]] da [[/strikethrough]] night before we came up and was quite cold & cloudy on Easter. It certainly has been a bad "spring" to date.
We had a couple of meals in fancy restaurants in Chicago. Jim used to have a secret job on the paper as restaurant goer, getting one free meal (with Shirley) a week in return for a story of the restaurant; he still does it now and then, & we got some of his passes to one restaurant. The family still keeps this a secret, I should add. Then on Sunday the Starcks took us to a very expensive restaurant about two hours drive outside of Chicago. On a very large estate, the owners raise their own pheasants, ducks, trout, cows, etc., have an extensive park & gift shops for their clientele - and