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Your son-in-law will add a word here.
My official vacation time is a 2-3 week period at the end of August and beginning of September, ending on registration day, which is usually about Sept. 15. This other trip to Michigan that Doris mentions we will probably take on a long weekend earlier in the summer. When I can go away depends on how the experiment is going but I do not foresee any hurried work this summer, so it may be possible to take a somewhat longer or earlier vacation.
As for getting through here, it depends on circumstances and the attitude of Dr. Frauenfelder. My thesis project has gone far enough for me to start writing an article for publication, which is supposed to be finished in about two months. If Frauenfelder is very kind-hearted and has no new ideas that must be instantly tried, it might be possible to start writing a thesis then. But this is unlikely. What is more likely is that Frauenfelder will have me