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we met several years ago, was sitting behind us at it so we had a chat. We saw a movie about him at another Festival performance — how he [[strikethrough]] comp [[/strikethrough]] played a composition for a recording by successifuly adding instruments to a taped recording (so that he played them all).

And, while work mounts, there is one more big shindig coming up, Jack's prelim party Friday night. Anywhere from 8-20 people will come, & in our apartment that is quite a crowd. To help preparations along, I dropped & smashed to smithereens a half gallon of milk on the rug this a.m. ... the vacuum cleaner will have to get those bits of glass out!

We are striding along in Russian these days "cuóur vóuoby", at breakneck speed, or over 10 pages a day. Very hard to do it all justice. Two courses is quite enough for me!

We haven't received the S. Holmes story as yet, but suppose it may come slowly.
