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Bureau RF & AL
Hd Qrs Sub Dist Tarboro 
Rocky Mt NC Dec 26/66

I have the honor to submit the following Report.
About 3.30 P.M. yesterday a bloody riot occurred in this place between the whites and blacks: under the following circumstances: A cock fight was progressing between Harry Dancey a Freedman and a white man - by the name of Walker. A mixed mass of whites & blacks were crowded about the scene many of whom were drunk and much excited. A white man by the name of Hunter pushed a negro out of his way: another negro standing by said that if a white man pushed him so he would shoot him Mr Hunter took up the Negroes remarks and high words passed between the two. both drew pistols, immediately after a shot was fired. I am unable to say whether the negro or the white man fired the first shot, both were armed with five shooting pistols. The negro & white man fired alternately till their pistols were empty, when the negro turned to run. Six or eight other white men them drew their pistols and fired at the retreating negro one shot took effect in the negros back but he continued to run. the assassins after him. The negro after running about six hundred yards fell. After he fell it