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Dec 26th. 67
Maj - Cutler chief of The freeman Bureau


This Freedman Ralph Bryan & many others need your assistance very Much at this time.   particulars - himself & others worked with Mr. Whitehead Last year & this, Mr Whitead they say; did not pay them Last year but give them orders, on Mr Brown of Tarboro or this year. He - Whi buys Guano givs Morgage on growing crops to W. Pippin Brown & Pippin comes, leaves, and carries of every thing could bring. Mules, wagons, Cotton, & Corns.

So; Pippin, wants them to finish housing the ballance crops but do not promise to pay them for their part he has carried off.

Mr Whitehead had sent off before the leavey, some 28 or 29 balese you had better investigate the matter for them for it is I understand a tangle affair

Blount Bryan

Brattlesboro Edgecomb Co NC

Transcription Notes:
Microfilm number not needed in transcription - removed "Brattlesboro" is now Battleboro in Edgecombe and Nash Counties.