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Lawrence -Agent- doth again well and truly to render them his part of the contract, but if the aforesaid laborers fail to comply with the terms  aforesaid, they shall forfeit the compensation which would be due them.

Signed in the presence of.
W.A. Duggan
Lewis Walker
Benjamin his x mark Speight
Alfred his x mark Harriss
Alfred his x mark Harriss for Emma Harriss

State of North Carolina 
Nash County January 1st 1866

I the undersigned Jonas Harrison.-freed laborer- agree to work with B. B. Lawrence-Agent- of County & State as above, under the same conditions, for the same time & compensation, (ie one share, of one fourth (1/4) of the crop) and pledge myself bound by the same conditions as specified in the above Indenture.

W. A. Duggan
Lewis Walker
Jonas his x mark Harrison
William F Cox
Lt. Veteran Reserve Corps and 
Asst Supt. Freedmens Bureau
Sub Dist of Tarboro N.C.