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This Indenture made & entered into on this 1st day of January 1866 between Joseph W. Wimberby of the County of Edgecomb, State of North Carolina of the 1st part & the Undersigned freedmen & women of the 2d part, witnesseth that the parties of the 2d part have agreed to become laborers on the farm of Jos. W. Wimberby from the present date until the 1st of January 1867 & they do agree to do all kinds of labor common to the farms of the county, to obey all regulations necessary for the proper government of the farm, to render the amount of labor faithfully that is usual for their capacity & to remain until the expiration of the contract. And they further agree that one half of the amount due as wages shall be retained until the end of each year & if the contract is violated that the amount due as wages at the time of such violation shall be forfeited. A refusal to perform the proper amount of work - unless in case of sickness - shall be considered a violation of the contract & the amount of labor lost shall not be paid for. And the party of the 1st part agrees in compensation for such labor that he will furnish the men with four (4) lbs of pork or its equivalent & one (1) peck of meal per week & to furnish the parties of the 2d part with comfortable quarters; & to furnish the women with three and one half (3 1/2) lbs pork & one (1) peck of meal per week & to the children who labor in the field over 9 years old pork & meal in proper ratio to correspond with the adults, & the amount of money per month in the respective year which stand opposite their names. & the parties of the 2d part agree to observe a respectful deportment to the party of the 1st part & his agents to do his work cheerfully & promptly,