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Contract entered into between Rich'd Battle & Patience sessums(Freedwoman)
Rich'd Battle is to employ said Patience Sessums as a cook- & is to pay her as compensation for services the sum of forty-five dollars- per year, one fourth to be paid at the end of four months, the balance at the end of the year - 1866.  All this to be done on these conditions - to wit - All lost time to be deducted from stipulated wages & no times to be lost (except from sickness) unless with consent of Rich'd Battle.  Said Patience Sessums to obey strictly all orders emenating from Rich'd Battle, relative to her work & always observe a respectful demeanor towards the same.  Rich'd Battle to be kind to the employed, & not to demand of said Patience Sessums more than ten hours work per day in Winter & thirteen hours in Summer - that being the standard.  Board to be charged for all lost time, whether from sickness or whatever cause, & to be deducted from wages of Patience Sessums.

done this day of Jan 1866 near Rocky Mt.
Yrs respectfully
William Cox
2d Lieut Veterans Reserve Corps
Asst. Supt. Freedmen Bureau
Sub Dist. of Tarboro N.C.

Richard Battle
Patience her x mark Sessums
by Virgil Sessums