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Contract entered into between Richard Battle and Caesar Battle

Richard Battle is to employ said Caesar Battle as a farm laborer, on a farm to be superintended by Rich'd Battle, for the year ending 1st Jany 1867, and is to pay said Caesar Battle the sum of four hundred dollars pr year as a compensation for his services, one fourth to be paid at the expiration of four months, and the ballance at the end of the year 1866. and is to hire the two daughters of said Ceasar by names Peggy Ann and Aggie for the same time & [[?]] same, same terms, excepting that they are to be paid seventy dollars each per year.

All this to be done on these conditions, to wit: all lost time to be deducted from stipulated wages, and no time to be lost except from sickness, unless with consent of Rich'd Battle - said Caesar to obey promptly all orders emanating from Richd Battle, relative to farm work & always to observe a respectful demeanour towards the same - Richard Battle to be kind to employed & not to demand more than ten hours of labor per day in Winter, nor thirteen in summer - That being the standard - Board to be charged for all lost time whether from sickness or whatever course & to be deducted from wages.

Done 2nd day of Jany 1866, near Rocky Mount

Fannie Walker
Dossey Battle
Richd Battle
Witness William F Doyle
Lt & Asst Supt F. Bureau

Caesar his x mark Battle