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Artickle of agreement Between James W Taylor and Jack Bellamy Jordon Hunter & John Taylor of the County of Edgecombe & State of NC

January 1st 1866

This Instrument is desired and Intended to Specify and Witness an agreement Entered in to on the day above mentioned between James W Taylor on the one part and Jack Bellemy Jordon Hunter and John Taylor of the other part Witnessith relative to the Labor and cultivation of the farm Whareon said J W Taylor resides and the propriator and Jack Bellamy Jordon Hunter & John Taylor Freed men of color the Tenants
We the above named and undersined do agree upon the following Terms (viz)
We the said Jack Bellamy Jordon Hunter & John Taylor on our Part do furnish all the Labor at our own ecspence nessary to Cultivate said farm in a good farm like maner our familys not to excede eighteen in number unless by the Consent of the owner of Said farm We agree to furnish hands as follows - Jack Bellemy furnishes Byron. Jordon Hunter furnishes his daughter Edny, Cindy and Son general - John Taylor furnishes Noman Ann Martha, Maria & Lidy his wife and more if nessary to Cultivate the farms well to Employ said hands on said farm diligently at work for the entire term of twelve months (viz) to January 1st, 1867
To feed Stock get fuell and make fires and be prompt and and ready to perform all nessary Labor and give all nessary attention about the premises to put the fences in good condition and open the ditches on said farm also so far as we are able we will prevent all unlawfull tresspasses and assemblages on said premises keep order about our houses and compell all our