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quarters & plentiful rations & the amount of money set opposite their names. And the party of the Second part agree to observe a respectful deportment to the part of the 1st part & his agent & do their work cheerfully & faithfully
In testimony whereof all parties have presents affixed their hands & seals - the day & year above mentioned.

[[4 columned table]]
|No.| Names| Age| Pay per month|
|   |William his x mark Seigg & 2 Sons|   | $18 per month for the whole|
|   | Spencer his x mark Sugg|   |$13 per mo |
|Daniel his x mark Sugg|   |$13 per mo|
|Nick his x mark Suggs |   |$12 per mo|
|David his x mark Thigpen & daughter Seruien|   | $17 per mo|
|Greers his x mark Nervell|   | $12 per mo|
|Winny his x mark Exeim & 2 children|   |$15 per mo|
|Peter his x mark Carny & wife|   |$20 per mo|
|John his x mark Moore |   | $15 per mo|
|Ben his x mark Moore & wife|   | $19 per mo|
E.L. Moore