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[[6 column table]]

|     | No | Age | Year | Names | pay for month |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | ---| --- |

| 1 |   | 30 | 1866| Washington .x Taylor for him self and one child | $15.00 |
| 2 |   | 50 | 1866 | Big Tom .x Taylor for himself & 3 children | 18.00 |
| 3 |   | 22 | 1866 | Little Tom x Taylor for himself | 10.00 |
| 4 |   | 24 | 1866 | Abrams .x Earl for himself & wife | 13.33 |

W.A. Taylor

William F. Cox
Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corp and Asst. Supt. Freedmen's Bureau, Sub Dis't. of Tarboro N.C.

Transcription Notes:
Can someone please take a moment to reformat this table before submitting? Thanks! - Emily, TC staff.