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Contract for Labor

This indenture made and entered into on the 1st day of January A.D. 1866. between J. N. & H. B. Barrett of the county of Nash, and State of North Carolina  of the first part, and Green Nichols a freedman of the second part Witnesseth,
That the said Green Nichols has agreed to work for the said J. W. & H. B. Battle in the turpentine business, from January 1st 1866, to December 31 1866, inclusion, to do his work faithfully & to be respectful in his deportment, to work ten hours per day, and the said Green Nichols of the second part agrees that one half of his monthly pay shall be retained until the end of the year, and that the amount so retained shall be be forfeited by a Violation of the Contract, and he further agrees that  time lost by idleness or absence without leave shall not be paid for.
The parties of the first part J. W. & H. B. Barrett agree and promise that they will furnish Green Nichals of the second part with Comfortable Quarters, sufficient rations (5 Lb of meat, and one peck of meal per week), to treat him kindly & encourage the establishment of Schools for his Children, and in consideration of his services to pay him the amount of money which stands opposite his Name.

[[5 Columned Table]]
| No. | Age | Name | Year | Pay per Month |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1. | 35. | his mark Green Nichols | 1866 | $12.50 |

William F Cox
Lt. Veteran Reserve Corps and
Asst. Supt Freedmans Bureau Sub Dist of Tarboro N.C.

H. B. Barrett for myself & J. W. Barrett

Transcription Notes:
Barrett on one line, Battle on another, clear changes an corrections, great table format, filled in blanks