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This indenture made and entered into this 1st day of Jan A.D. 1866 between Bennet R Jenkins of the county of Edgecombe State of N.C. of the first part.  And the undersign Freedman an woman of the second part. Witnetheth that the parties of the second part have agreed to become laborers on the farm of A.P. Jenkins from the 1st of Jan 1866 to the 1st day of Jan 1867 And they agree to do all kind of labor common to the farms of this country, to obey all rules and regulations neccessary for the proper management of the farm, And to render the amount of labor usual for their capacity And each male shall have his regular sabbath day to attend to the stocks an gearing and un gearing horses. Each female is to have her regular sabbath day to cook or assist the cook, in rotation And to remain untill the end of the year And they further agree that one half of their monthly pay shall be retained untill the end of the year, And if the contract is violated the amount so retained shall be forfeited A refusal to perform the proper amount of labor, unless in case of sickness, shall be considered a violation of the contract, And time lost by idleness or absence without leave shall not be paid for.  And no time is to be lost without permition of the parties of the first part, And the parties agree that in compensation for such labor, he will furnish the parties of the second part with comfortable quarters wood and garden sufficient for his family use And will furnish them with amount of rations which stands opposite to their respt names [strikethrough] and half [/strikethrough] the amount of money per month which stands opposite to their respt names, and the parties of the second part agree to observe a respt deportment to the parties of the first part or his agents, And the parties of the second agree to do their work cheerfully & promptly, and those