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to the wages agreed on as, underwritten, are to be allowed, comfortable quartered without rent during their employment; the privilege of fuel from part of the plantation as may be assigned them; may keep a reasonable amount of poultry, also a pig to each family (not to run at large) shall be allowed an acre of ground, for a garden and the following provisions; 4lbs of Bacon or Pork and one Peck of Meal per week for men, and 3lbs of Bacon or Pork and one Peck of Meal for women each; for boys and girls in proportion. Dogs and animals other than the above not to be kept on the premises without the manager's consent. Until the employees have time to prepare their garden, such vegetables as can be spared will be furnished.
6th Payments of wages are to be quarterly, with one half reserve to ensure faithful performance of contract, until 1st of January 1867.
7th Stock is t be attended to on Sundays as usual hertofore.
8th Stealing will be punished by discharge and forfeiture of wages.
9th Drunkenness, cursing, and swearing, quarrelling and fighting are forbidden.
10th Loss willful or careless destruction or injury to implement or stock will be made good out of the wages of the offender.
11th Lost time from sickness of absence without leave, will not be paid for and compensation for board may be required during such time.
12th Whenever said Kemp P Battle desires provisions to be hauled to Raleigh the manager may detail employees for that purpose, and he may do the same for similar objects as has been usual heretofore.
Kemp P Battle 
Henry Hingsor

A true copy