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+ 1 pick of mial, the women their 2 ahalf from or fork to pick meal for weeks & the children over 9 years old that work in the field Pack & meal in proper ratio as compared with adults, and the amount of money per month set opposite their names & the parties of the 2nd part agree to observe a respectful deportment to the party of the 1st part and his agents & to do their work cheerfully & faithfully, and the part of the first agrees to treat the parties of the second part kindly.

Stephen his x mark James for himself wife & [[strikethrough]] four [[\strikethrough]] three chidren pay per month $500 per year

James his x mark Barrow for himself & three children 375 per year

Bill his x mark Traver for himself & four children 362 per year

Mane his x mark Barrow for himself & Nine children 414 per month

Bane his x mark Barrow for himself & wife 246 per year

Balem his x mark Barrow for his wife & self 246 per year

Washington his x mark Dicken for himself & wife 246 per year

Mark his x mark Barrow for himself & wife 246 per year

Jason his x mark Barrow for himself & wife 246 per year

Arthur his x mark Sharp for himself & two children 300 per year

Ben his x mark Skinner for himself & one child 180 per month

[[strikethrough]] Alfred Barrow for himself 10 [[\strikethrough]]

Walter his x mark Barrow 108 per year

Mary his x mark Thomas 96 per year

Mary his x mark Richmond 96 per year

Hellton his x mark Barnes 150 per year

B B Banon

William Fla
Lieut. Veke and [[?]] Corps
Asst Supt. Sub Dist of Tarbon N.C.

We the undersigned agree to abide by the Conditions of the above contract from this time August 9 1866 to 23 December 1866
Dick Ruffin $12.50 per month

B.B. Banon 
Dick his x mark Ruffin

J.T. Allison
1st Lieut & Asst Supt