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and I the aforesaid Crawford Ricks freedman do bind and obligate myself to accept and receive for my Labor in cultivating the said pine trees of the said Matilda Mann one fourth of all money derived from sale of turpentine from the aforesaid trees after deducting one fourth of all the expenses in sending it to market and selling the same, and I the aforesaid Crawford Ricks freedman bind an obligate myself not to demand any other payor consideration for the sam. And I the aforesaid Crawford Ricks freedman do promise and bind myself to be industrious and energetic in the above mentioned employment and also to be respectful and courteous in my deportment to the said Matilda Mann and her family, and I the aforesaid Crawford Ricks give and conceded to the aforesaid Matilda Mann the right and authority to dismiss me from her plantations and employment upon a violation of any of the above written conditions, claiming for labor or work already performed only one fourth of the money from sale of turpentine already [[strikethrough]] made [[//strikethrough]] dissssed and barreled by me the aforesaid Crawford Ricks freedman.
In testimony wherefore we the said Matilda Mann and Crawford Ricks freedman aforesaid have hereunto sit or hand & seals this the day and year above written,
M.H. Mann   Seal
Crawford Ricks   Seal

Witness W.H. Lines