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Rales and Regulations by which servants hired by Jefu H Powe11 for the year 1866 are to be governed

1st Each laborer will receive at the expiration of every three months, one months wages. This is supposed to be sufficient to answer your purpose until the end of the year. When a final settlement will be made.

2nd No talking allowed during time at work except concerning the labor you may be performing

3rd In going to and from your work you are to move with quickness and dispatch.

4th No live stock or chickens are to be raised without a special permit. You are not to raise any crop of any kind or description without my consent and knowledge

5th You are not take any time or leave the family business without my consent and knowledge -should you do so you are to pay for each day or part of day lost one dollar.

6th Should I have satisfactory evidence that any of you have stolen anything from me or from any of your fellow servants you are to pay for every article so stolen five times the value of what I think the article is worth. Should it be a child or children that is guilty of this offense thin the parent of whoever may may have control of said child or children shall pay five times the order of the article notice

7th Impudence, swearing, indecent or unbecoming