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Finished in a neat plain manner. As many hands as can be obtained and worked to advantage shall be employed in the construction of the house. Said house is to be constructed on such lot of ground as may be designated by the party of the 1st pt. in the vicinity of Rocky Mt. N.C.
And the party of the 1st pt. agrees to pay the party of the 2nd pt. for the construction of said building the sum of one hundred and fifty five dollars - to be paid as follows $10 every two weeks during the construction of the building - the balance to be due when the building is [[strikethrough]] h b [[/strikethrough]] completed & accepted by the party of the 1st pt. The party of the first pt is to furnish board to the party of the 2nd pt during the construction of the building at the rate of 5 lbs of Bacon and one pack of meal per week for each hand employed. And it is further agreed that the party of the 1st pt. is to furnish all necessary material for the construction of said building. In witness whereunto we have this day August 27/66 fixed our hands & seals
N. T. Drake
Southy his X mark Bonner

J. F. Allison 
1st Lt VRC & Asst Supt