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[[2 columns]]

T | Tull J.L. 96-
T | Theuns R Maj" 73-97
T | Tracy Maj" 94-
T | Thomas Geo" H 91-102
T | Taylor Captain 63-

V | Von Scheadera Col. 62

W | Wright Ed" Col. 54
W | Withers W.L. 55
W | Woods C.R. May Genl 56-57-63-77-81-86-
W | Woodhull Max Col. 63-76
W | Wickershaw M.D. Col. 64-78
W | Washburn G.W. Lt Col. 73-77
W | Whiting L.J. Captain 88-90
W | Whipple W. D. Bvt Brig Genl 94-100
W | Wright A.M. Agt Greenville 100-

Alphabetical Index of Subjects 1866
A | Academy, Female 58
A | Artictis (received) 75
A | Appointees 76
A | Arrest 59
A | Arthur Captain|93-95

B | Blockade runners 54
B | Ball Captain 70
B | Bendries C. W. (Late Lt 178thNY Vols 85


B|Biddle 90

C | Clothing 55
C | Communications 62
C | Crosby Ann "(Freedwoman) 64
C | Cadle. C. 75
C | Chain gang 75
C | Clayton & Boker 83
C | Court 88
C | Court Martial 90
C | Callis Col 90-92
C | Creikshanks 96-97-98-99-102
C | Civil Authorities 101
C | Commissary 103

D | District Attorney 82
D | Dwalling possession of 98

E | Employ (men) 72
E | Examination 98
E | Elderkin 99
E | Elliott 103

F | Freedmens Court 77
F | Forage 78
F | Fullterton Genl 82-88-
F | Flour 85-