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G|Goodfellow 52-74

H | Hospital tents 57-84
H | Howard Ganl 63
H | Hospital 80
H | Hosner E H Lt 81st Cold Troops) 86
H | Hoge Lieut 95

I | Instructions (Capt Resv) 55
I | Insane (officer) 101

J | Jenkins 70-73
J | Jurisdiction - of Dept. Com des 87
J | Jewitt Maj" 89 89

K | Knott 79
K | Kinsman O.D. 93

L | Labor 55
L | Leave of absence 59-89

M|Midler St 52
M | Montague R.O 56
M | McMillens affair 59
M | Message (to Tuscaloosa) 64
M | Medical College 67
M | Murderers 68
M | Marshal U.S. 74
M | Monthly Estimate 76


M | Macon 92
M | Marine Hospital 94
M | Marshall Captain 94
M | McGogy 100

N|Naval Appraisal 57

O | Officers 53-87-
O | Oath - Test 71-
O | Order - (For Wood burn) 77-
O | Order S.O. 10-21-88-99-
O | O'Connor P.E. 99

P | Parsons L.E. Hon"  53
P | Properties   54-58
P | Proclamation Gov" Patton   60
P | Presbridge   61
P | Pierce Bvt Maj" 66-91 Purchase - completion of 96
P | Proclamation 68- Purchase of - 99
P | Payment (authorized - such) 69- President U.S.  102
P | Patton Gov"  78-100-
P | Prinling Press  83-
P | Probate Judge Cherokee Co.  84-

R | Robinson Col  56
R | Robertson  61-
R | Rations (out of)  63
R | Rations - Refugees -  72-80-81-
R | Recruiting  89-