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[[3 columns, no headers]]
| S | Sanitary Stores 57 | Schools 91-95-101 |
| S | Stores 61-65-67-69-78-100 | Sale 93- |
| S | Swayne Genl 62-64-71-81-99- | Sewall Genl 97-98 |
| S | Steamers 65-77 | Storage 100- |
| S | Steinburg Captain 66-89-90 | Shellabargo 103 |
| S | Scott Walker Col 58th Infintry 67 |   |
| S | Sick 80 |   |
| S | Steadman Genl 82-88- |   |

| T | Theune Maj" 73-97 |   |
| T | Transportation 74 |   |
| T | Taxes 79 |   |
| T | Thomas Genl. 91 |   |
| T | Tracy Maj" 94 |   |

| W | woods Genl 63 |   |
| W | Whiting Captain 90 |   |
| W | Wife - here (McGogy) 97 |   |

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau R.F and A.L.
Montgomery. Ala. July 28"/65

Harmout George. A.
Asst Supt Freedmen & c.
Mobile. Ala

If necessary get printing done according to Regulations of the War Dept. Can't make bills or issue expenses till return of Major Norris.
By Order of Brig Genl Swayne
C.A. Miller Major and A.A.A.G.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala. Aug 4" 1865

Howard Maj Genl O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.

As I wrote you, at the earnest request of the Govenor I deferred action on the jurisdiction question for a few days. A definite answer is promised to-night, and will be immediately acted on. 
Brig Genl and Asst Comm'r
Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau. R.F. and A.L.