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If possible let me have the 2d Maine Cavalry, that I may stop the cruelties practiced in parts of this State where there are no forces or other authority whatever. 
Brig. Gen'l

Office Ass't Commissioner
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery, Ala Aug 28-65

Wilson Maj. F.H.
A.A.G. - Mobile

Is Col Hitchcock of the 25th US Colored Troops on duty in this Dep't. If so I would like him for duty if agreeable to Gen. Woods.
Brig Gen'l & Asst Comm'r

Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau R.F. & A.L
Montgomery Ala Aug 29th 65

McArthur Bvt. Maj. Genl
Selma Ala

I endeavored to see you before you left to ask you to select for me a few good officers to be stationed at Selma and have charge of eight or ten counties, and


a similar officer for Demopolis. May I ask for you to do so while you are in the vicinity.
The officers should have administrative qualities and energy.
Brig. Gen'l

Office Ass't Commissioner
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala Aug 29th 65

President Andrew Johnson
United States

There are parts of this state in which civil authority is insufficient, without aid from the military arm to protect the people - white and black - from violence and enforce law. Some gangs of desperadoes can only be arrested by hunting them down. The State is divided into four Military Districts. Maj. Gen'l Woods who commands the whole has Headquarters at Mobile. This renders prompt action in some cases impossible. Brig. Gen'l Swayne, Ass't Comm'r Freedmans Bureau, whose Hd Qrs. are here, applied some time since to have the 2d Maine Cav'l'y, now at Barrancas, Florida, report to him for the purpose of