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Ills Infty - light hair and complexion five feet seven and a half inches high, and rather sickly appearance - and in a citizens dress - on duty in this office deserted and will probably reach Meridian to day, Please arrest and return him.
He is in company with W. B. Mowie, same company and Reg't who has a furlough.
( ) C. Cadle Jr.
Bvt Col & A.A.G.

Office Asst Com'r
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Mont Mch 14 - 66

Lieut W. J. Medter
Asst Supt R.F & AL.
Huntsville Ala.

Yes, but the Proclamation does not present a claim for damages.
( ) C. Cadle Jr.

Office Asst Com'r
Bureau R F & A. L.
Mont. March 26' 66

Maj C. W. Pierce
Asst Supt &c
Demopolis Ala.

Arrest the murderers unless 


the civil authorities do so. If you do so keep them in jail & report facts to this office.
( ) C Cadle Jr.

Office Ass't Comm'r
Bureau R.F. & AL.
Montgy March 27" 66

S. S. Gardner
Supt &c

I can not authorize such payment without becoming liable myself.
( ) C Cadle Jr.

Office Ass't Comm'r
Bureau RF & A.L.
Mont April 6" 66

Lieut Geo F. Browning
Cam Subs R.F. & AL.
Mobile, Ala.

If the Q.M Dep't cannot put the foods in condition leave them in store. A Lieutenant to act as QM will be sent down speedily.
( ) C. Cadle Jr.