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No authority to give transportation for corn purchased by Selma.  Railroads could transport free.

( ) O. D. Kinsman

Monty Ala.
April 26" 66

Col J. B. Callis
Huntsville Ala

Don't annoy or interfere with Goodfellow.  Proper action will be taken here about matters referred.

( ) Wager Swayne
Bvt Maj Gen'l

Montgomery Ala.
April 24" 66

R. F. Knott Esq.
Selma, Ala

Avoid all conflict with the U.S. Marshal

( ) O. D. Kinsman

Montgomery, Ala
May 1" 66

Bvt Maj C. W. Pierce


Supt R. F. & A. L.
Demopolis Ala.

Do you know when Col Codes is?

( ) O. D. Kinsman

Montgomery Ala.
May 4" 66.

Col. Beecher
Freedmans Bureau
Mobile Ala.

Copies of articles received.  [[Vessels?]] not specifically mentioned - copy forwarded to General Woods.

( ) Wager Swayne
Bvt Maj Gen'l

Montgomery Ala.
May 4" 66

Col. C. Cadle Jr.
Freedmans Bureau
Selma Ala.

Better suspend action in reference to "chain gang"

( ) Wager Swayne
Bvt Maj Genl