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A.M.  Montgomery Nov 26" 66

B. R. F. & A. L. Wright
Greenville Ala.

How is Capt McGogy?  If he is in danger telegraph.

( ) O. D. Kinsman

Montgy Ala. Nov 27-66

Bvt Col. J. B. Callis
Supt. B. R. F. & A. L.
Huntsville Ala.

Memphis & Charleston Railroad have agreed with Gov Patton to furnish all storage necessary.  You can issue on the Governor's order.

( ) O. D. Kinsman

Montgy Dec 4" 66

Bvt Maj. W. A. Elderkin
Dept Commsr.
Mobile Ala.

Have corn & bacon shipments made to Greenville, Tuscaloosa & Talladega.  If not, when will they be.  Answer.

O. D. Kinsman


Montgomery Dec 6" 66

Maj Pierce
Demopolis Ala.

Allow Civil authorities to try case mentioned in telegram Tuesday.

( ) J. F. Conyngham

Montg'y Dec 8" 66

Rev. J. Silsby

Care Capt Graves A.Q.M.
Selma, Ala.

Send number pupils in school in Selma - including [[Sears?]].

( ) C. W. Buckley
Supt of Education

Montg'y Dec 10 66

U.S.A. Adjt Genl
Washington D.C.

Can an insane officer in Military custody for crime be admitted to Government Insane Hospital at Washington.  Has been tried & proceedings forwarded.

( ) Wager Swayne
Maj. Gen'l