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(  ) Wager Swayne
Maj Gen'l

Monty Ala. Apl 29" 67

Tracy Maj. G. H. 
Freedmens Bureau
Mobile Ala.

Capt Arthur & Mr Cruikshank go down on night train.
(  ) Wager Swayne
Maj Gen'l & Asst Commr

Montg'y April 30-67

Wilson Hon Henry 

Care Col Foster, Collector of Post
Wilmington N.C.

When can we have you.  I wrote some time ago.

Wager Swayne
Maj Genl & Asst Com'r.

Montgy. April 30. 67

Howard Maj Genl O. O. 
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C.

Can I pay, say four thousand (4000) dollars freight on supplies - sent by several relief commissions.  Have bunds in New York 

from old appropriations - Store quite out of money.
Wager Swayne
Maj Gen'l & Ass't Comm'r

Monty May 3d 67

Shorkley Lieut Geo. 
S.A.C. Selma, Ala.

Send one Cohola. one to Gainesville Letters follow

C. M. Buckley
Supt of Education

Montgomery June 4" 67

Logan Lieut Jas. 
Mobile, Ala

Shift half of the "Relief" supplies to Montgomery - half to Selma.
( ) Wager Swayne
Maj Gen'l & Ass't Com'r

Montgomery June 4" 67

Richardson Jack P. 

Turn over the "Relief" supplies to Lieut Jas Logan
( ) Wager Swayne
Maj. Gen'l & Ass't Comm'r

Transcription Notes:
Names kept together for continuity as well as inside address and complimentary close