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(signed) Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bvt Maj. U.SA
A true Copy
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut. Col U.S.V.
Asst Commr.

State of Alabama
Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Montgomery Ala Feb 19 "68

Circular }
No 11 }

Sub. Asst Commissioner or Agents in charge of Sub. Districts will hereafter forward or caused to be forwarded by the fifth of each month the following Reports and Returns

From Sub. Asst Commissioners for Office Asst. Commissioners General Report of Bureau and Freedmen's Affairs, Report of Refugees, Report of Freedmen, Report of Lands, Report of Officers, Civilian Agents and Clerks. Report of Office personel. Report of Agent personel. Report of Changes of Officers.; also for the Supt of Education Sub. Asst Commissioners Report From 4 E.d.. Consolidated statement of Schools form 3 E.d.; also for Disbursing Officer Report of Persons and Hired Articles Form 2 in duplicate Receipt Rolls of Person Hired form 15 in duplicate, Estimate of Funds required.

From Sub. Asst Commissioners as A. A. Q. M. for Office Chief Quartermaster Monthly Returns of Stores pertaining to Bureau form 23. Q. M. D. in triplicate with one set of Abstracts and Vouchers complete, Monthly Return of Quartermaster Stores form 23 quadruplicate 


with one set of Abstracts and Vouchers complete, Monthly Return of Clothing, Camp & Garrison Equipage form 5. quadruplicate with one set of vouchers complete. Report of Persons and Articles Hired form 2 quadruplicate, Report of Public Animals form 5 one copy, Monthly Report of Stores received for transportation and distribution form 4 one copy. also for January, April, July and October quarterly Statements A' B.' C' of Quartermasters Stores, Clothing. Camp & Garrison Equipage, and Stores pertaining to Bureau one copy each. Monthly Statement of Provisions, received, issued and remaining on hand. with accompanying vouchers viz: Invoices of Stores received, Abstract of Isues showing separately the Number of Whites and number of Colored, Receipts of Stores transferred, with Certificate of Applicants as Sub. Vouchers.

From A. A. Surgeons in charge of Hospitals for Office Surgeon in Chief Monthly Report of Attendance duplicate. Monthly Report of Persons Employed form 2 Q. M. D. in duplicate, Monthly Receipt Roll of Persons employed form 15. duplicate. Report of Sick and wounded Refugees Freedmen, duplicate, Report of destitute discharged Soldiers and their families duplicate, Monthly Statement of Hospital Fund duplicate, Report of Station duty &c Personal, for January April, July and, October quarterly Returns of Articles not immediately perishable, purchased out of Hospital Funds duplicate, Estimate for printed Blanks required, for January and July Semi-