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State of Alabama
Bur. R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala. Mar 28" 68

No 19}

C.W. Pierce late 1" Lieut and Brvt. Maj. V.R.C. having been appointed an officer of the Bur R.F. and A.L. by the Commissioner, is hereby re-assigned to duty and announced as Sub. Asst Commissioner, Sub District of Demopolis, Ala. he will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
By order of Brvt Brg Genl J. Hayden
Asst Commissioner
(signed) Geo Shorkley
Capt 15' Infy Bvt Maj U.SA

A true Copy
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut. Col. U.S.V.
Asst Commr

State of Alabama
Bur. R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery, Ala. Mar 31" 68

No 20}
In compliance with General Orders No 49 dated Hd Qrs. F" Mil. Dist Atlanta Ga. March 23. 1868. the undersigned hereby relieves Brvt Brig Genl. J. Hayden as Asst. Commissioner Bur R.F. and A.L. State of Alabama.
(signed) O.L. Shepherd
Col 15" Infy Bvt Bg Genl
Asst Commr-

A true Copy
Edwin Beecher
Brvt. Lieut. Col U.SV.
Asst Commr.


State of Alabama
Bur. R.F. & A. L.
Montgomery, Ala. April 20" 68

No 21}
The attention of Officers and Agents of the Bureau in this state is again called to the unusual large accounts for postage which have been rendered for several months past. It is impossible not neglect accuracy and economy in this particular, without impairing in the same degree the honor of the service.
From and after this date vouchers for postage will not be paid unless accompanied by the receipt of the Post Master as a sub voucher.
By order of Brvt. Brg Genl. O.L. Shephard
Asst Commissioner
(signed) Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bvt Maj U.S.A

A true Copy
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst Commr.

State of Alabama
Bur. R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery, Ala. Apl 25" 68

No 22}
The attention of Sub. Asst. Commissioner is specially called to the often very incomplete manner in which Reports, Returns and all papers pertaining thereto are submitted. This is believed to be